
Urbanization and the life in large cities have brought about unprecedented challenges,
from resource scarcity and environmental degradation to social inequality and infrastructural strain. Moreover, the imperative to build sustainable, resilient cities capable of withstanding the impacts of climate change looms large on the global agenda. In an era where urbanization is rapidly expanding, the concepts of smart city technologies and artificial intelligence have become instrumental in addressing the complex challenges faced by modern cities. These technologies play a pivotal role in
optimizing scarce resources, making equitable decisions, mitigating environmental risks, reducing carbon footprints, and promoting sustainable cities.

This special session aims to explore innovative applications of artificial intelligence in enhancing urban living standards and optimizing city operations. More specifically, the special session focuses on both predictive and prescriptive models. The former enable actionable information on the near or farther future of a city’s operations. The latter employ all the available information, both factual or predicted, to automate or support effective decision-making. Both types of models are necessary and complement each other to tackle the important challenges faced by cities.


The special session is interested on predictive and prescriptive models focusing on solving problems for smart cities that may be based on:

  • Machine Learning & Data mining
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Statistical Learning & Statistics
  • Multi-agent Systems
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Logics, norms, and agreement technologies
  • Robotics
  • Optimization & Operations Research
  • Game Theory
  • Simulation
  • Mathematical Modeling


Vicente Botti, Universitat Politècnica de València, vbotti@dsic.upv.es

Jose Machado, Universidade do Minho, jmac@di.uminho.pt

Victor Sanchez-Anguix, Universitat Politècnica de València, vicsana1@upv.es


See submission instructions for the conference at https://ideal2024.webs.upv.es/submission/

Special Session Papers Submission Deadline: July 26, 2024